It’s been years since I posted on this blog, and lots of
things have happened. I considered shipping Aerie to Greece, but it was way too
expensive, enough to pay for the materials for two or three new boats. Plus the
paperwork for getting it through customs and registering according to European
Union regulations would have been a nightmare. So I decided to build another
one in Greece instead, which is not surprising since I love to build things.
Meanwhile, I retired in April 2016. The plan to stay in Greece full time was put aside, on account of our children and their hoped-for offspring. We planned to move to
California to be near our younger daughter, and spend up to half the year in Greece. I considered selling or giving
Aerie away, but was talked out of it by members of the Wooden Boat forum that
live in the Sacramento area. So we dragged the boat and its trailer over the
Rockies, with a nasty incident in Albuquerque where the rear window of the SUV
was smashed and random stuff taken. I could blame Aerie for it, since the
length of the car plus trailer forced us to park in the one area not covered by
security cameras and right next to the fence to boot. But I don’t blame the
boat really; thieves are mean idiots who will steal anything they can, causing
$500 worth of damage (not to mention the replacement cost of what they stole) for
a duffel bag of clothes and such, with a street value of maybe $30. Breaking
Bad was right, Albuquerque must be full of meth-heads drugged out of their minds!
Anyway, Aerie made to Sacramento, where she spent a while in
storage and now sits in the back yard, without much opportunity for outings
since we spend summers in Greece. But she is still beautiful and works just as
well. But now, one grandbaby later, it was time to build one in Greece. It’s
cutting into my bagpipes practice (that's another story), but you can’t have everything.
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